Have you done everything possible to ensure the safety of your workplace?
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has now spread globally, and has been designated a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
Whether your workplace is open now, or you are planning to reopen when the lockdown is relaxed, consideration needs to be given to disinfecting and deep cleaning on a regular basis.
Diamond Bright Cleaning NI has the expertise, experience and is certified to undertake Coronavirus infection prevention and control on your premises. We are now able to offer Fogging and Touch-Point Cleaning, which are the specialist cleaning services required to control Coronavirus.
What is Fogging and where can it be used?
For internal areas, a Fogging machine generates very small airborne droplets of Quaternary Ammonium Compounds. Fogging is a proven method rather than a new technology, though its application is relatively new to the UK & Ireland.
Fogging delivers the following benefits:
Fastest and easiest way of sanitising large areas with minimum disruption.
Ideal for outbreak control measures and for use in all environments including Childrens day nurseries, Care homes, Housing Associations, GP surgeries, Restaurants, Commercial offices and Schools.
Complete room disinfection to 4-Log validation (99.9999%).As well as viruses, they also kill bacteria, fungi and mould.
Pre and post chemical test indicators prove if there has been sufficient exposure from the Fogging process.
High penetration with Cold Fog Vaporisation of hard to reach areas.
Suitable for medical and all electronic equipment.
If adequately ventilated, treated areas are safe to occupy within 1 hour.
Long-lasting protection.
To be most effective we highly recommend the Fogging process is combined with Touch-Point Cleaning just prior to Fogging
Touch point cleaning list:
Light switches
Door handles (including cupboard doors)
Door push areas
Appliance handles, such as fridge, oven etc
Kettle handle / toaster knobs
Appliance buttons and dials
TV remotes
Kitchen work surfaces
Basin / bath / sink taps
Toilet flush
Bathroom surfaces
Tables and desks
Other office equipment, eg printers
Landline phones, and mobiles
Bannisters / handrails
Lift buttons
For your free survey and quotation, please call Diamond Bright Cleaning NI
Tel 02890 486100 / Mob 07854662000